Wanting Wellness

Wanting Wellness

Show notes

This is your Friday Refresh brought to you by… Collisions Auto Repair Services in Killen,Alabama. You can contact them at (256) 272-2007.

Do you want to be made well?

It is a silly sounding question. “If I am sick, hurting, or struggling, then why would I not want to be made well?”

There are doctors offices, treatment centers, rehab facilities, counselor’s offices, and hospitals scattered across the landscape of this country. It would seem that alone is an argument for the fact that people WANT to be made well.

But in the counseling world I’m afraid this is a harder question than we often give it credit for. Now, don’t get me wrong, most people are searching for something different when they make a call to a counselor. They want relief from whatever complication they are facing in life.

And yet, it has been the case that many people end up leaving counseling still not well. Some of that could be the fault of the practitioner. I’m not going to claim that counselors do things perfectly.

Some could be that there is a need for a different kind of treatment — possibly psychiatric treatments.

But sometimes being well is scary.

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Ben Hayes

Ben Hayes

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