Risk vs. Reward

Risk vs. Reward

Show notes

The Friday ReFresh is brought to you by Howell Wealth Management. Financial security is something many of us strive to achieve in our lives. Whether you are concerned for your own financial needs or those of your family or your business, Greg Howell can help you with a plan to get on the road to financial security.

Contact Greg Howell today at 931-638-1576 or Gregory.a.howell@nm.com.

Speaking of security: You’ve probably heard the concept of the risk/reward ratio. It’s way more common a conversation in Greg Howell’s occupation than it is in mine. The concept works like this: You simply divide your net profit (the reward) by the price of your maximum risk. If you have a risk-reward ratio of 1:5, it means you're risking $1 to potentially make $5.

Then there are times when digits and dollar bills aren’t really at stake.

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Ben Hayes

Ben Hayes

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