Nothing Day

Nothing Day

Show notes

This is your Friday Refresh brought to you by Collisions Auto Repair Services in Killen,Alabama. You can contact them at (256) 272-2007 In every walk in nature one receives far more than he seeks. John Muir.

This past Saturday I got to enjoy a Nothing Day. We didn’t have any formal plans so we slept in a little later than usual and then we went to our friends house to ride jeeps and four-wheelers and then walk the creek.

We saw some local wildlife, looked for fossils, creek glass, smooth rocks for skipping, and interesting rocks for keeping.

We chatted and mused over the way God’s creativity or forces of God’s nature had carved out this little creek among the towering bluffs surrounding it.

The kids challenged their bravery by jumping off large boulders into the creek below.

The day ended with burgers, dogs, and some time around the fire pit.

Nothing days have become a favorite. We live a pretty fast-paced existence with appointments and kid activities so while they are few and far between there is certainly a desire to make them more of the norm.

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Ben Hayes

Ben Hayes

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